Hey guys! Bruni here, back with another DIY bracelet tutorial. Now this one's on the ever so popular cobra or square knot bracelet, but with a twist! It's basically a two for one sort of thing; flip the bracelet over and the colors reverse. Let's get on with the tutorial...
You will need..
- A wrist (har-dee-har-har)
- A length of cord about half the width of your wrist when doubled, or about 3-4 inches long
- Another two lengths of embroidery floss or chord [depending on your preference, the floss will look tighter and closer together while the chord will make a chunkier bracelet] about 11-12 times as long as the doubled up chord in #2, if you're only going to use one color than keep both chords/floss the same color
- Chain or any shape, color, or size
- Round nose pliers
- Super glue or clear nail polish
If you're going to go ahead with the two tone bracelet, pick two colors of floss that look good together; I personally like the look of a lighter and darker version of the same color so I chose lilac and dark purple.
[pretend I started at the top of the bracelet in the photo below] So tie a knot with the ends of your two colors, try to keep it small and you can glue it to make sure it's secure. Put the knot underneath the top of the folded up chord (now known as wrist chord), making sure to leave a little loop at the top where you'll put your chain later. Then go ahead and create your first knot; step-by-step pictures below
Fold the right string over the wrist chord (just a not when you go onto your second know you will start with your left side and then alternate; or to make it easier, just always fold the lighter color over the wrist chord)
Bring the left string (dark color/purple) over the right string (light color/lilac)
Then bring the purple under the wrist chord and under the loop created on the right by the lilac string
Pull the purple string through the lilac loop on the right...
And pull the two strings away from each other, both at a 90 degree angle to the wrist chord
Make sure each new knot is right below the previous one to make it look neat. If you want a chunkier bracelet, once you get to the bottom, flip the bracelet over and start knotting down again. Once you're done knotting, cut off any excess string and glue the cut ends to keep them from unraveling.
Now for the chain; measure out a length that, when added to the knotted part, will be long enough to let you slide your hand through but not long enough to have your bracelet just slide off your hand.
Then use your pliers to separate the length from the rest of the chain and open up the links on each side. Slide the links through the two loops you've hopefully left uncovered on the wrist chord and use the pliers to close them back up. Voila!
[I made the bracelet on the left using a thick chord so you can see how chunky it looks compared to the one on the right, made with two colors of embroidery floss. ]
Until next time, stay stylish!
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